Download your email signature

Using Gmail

  1. Click on the link above with your name
  2. We’ll need to copy and this to the clipboard so anywhere on the screen click:
    1. Control + A (Select all)
    2. Control + C (Copy)
    3. This places the email within your clipboard
  3. Login into your and goto
    1. Settings (Gear icon on the top right)
    2. General 
    3. Scroll down to Signature and click within the box
    4. Click Control + V (Paste)
    5. Save Changes (at the bottom of the screen)

Using Outlook

  1. Step 1: Add a New Placeholder Signature
    1. In Outlook, go to File > Options > Mail and click on “Signatures“. Click “New” to create a new placeholder signature. Give the new signature a name you can remember.
    2. Set to use your new Signature for both New Messages and Replies/Forwards.
    3. Hit “OK” to save and “OK” again to close the Outlook Options window.
    4. Quit Outlook
  2. Step 2: Open Outlook’s Signature Folder on Your Computer
    1. Using the search box copy and paste the following:
  3. Step 3: Find and Open the New Signature file
    1. Within the Signature Folder, locate the file that you have created in Step 1. If you see multiple files with the same name, the file you want to open is the HTM file with the .htm extension. Open it with Notepad. You can right-click on the file and select Open with > Notepad.
  4. Step 4: Replace Placeholder Text With Your HTML Code
    1. Locate your html signature on this page and click the link
    2. Right click on any blank space on the page and click View Page Source
    3. Click Control + A (Select All)
    4. Click Control + C (Copy)
    5. Open your html file in Notepad to view the code. Erase all content in the placeholder signature file and paste your HTML signature code. Hit File > Save.